Hide KM Content in Content Administrator role

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

A common question is asked by the business to remove the KM Content workset in the
standard Content Administrator role.. lets see how we can do this..

1) create a delta link copy of the role pcd:portal_content/com.sap.pct/administrator/content_admin/
2) open the role and remove the Workset KM-Content
3) assign your user to the new role
4) check the thrown exception via LogViewer.
5) Go to System Administration -> Permissions and add your new role to the object:
Security Zones / sap.com / NetWeaver.Portal / medium_safety / com.sap.portal.appdesigner.contentcatalog / components / Framework
6) Give Read Permission and set the End User flag
7) login with your user added in step 3)

Mean People SUCK !

This is a perfect example to show how some people are a bunch of MONEY sucking vendors who are out there fooling you people and running their FAKE business...
by selling SAP documents for a HUGE prize ....my blog written yesterday should tell you how important it is to SHARE knowledge and not EXPLOIT people by stealing all their money when they can get all they want to learn for FREE on my blogspot...

Its a SHAME to know some people can do this for MONEY !!!
check this link.. BW305

This site is selling BW305 for close to $150 when you can get it for FREE on my yesterdays blog post...PITY you MORONS !!

FREE SAP BI & Portal Training

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

I’ve been waiting for a long time to write this Blog and it’s finally here…As SAP Professionals we know the difficulties of being an expert in any module...Let it be functional or technical we all had to go the hard way..Some sneaked out easy but we struggled to grab the knowledge we always wanted…the difficulty was the COST of training and the OPPORTUNITY….Now, I am not going to promise you an opportunity like some of our commission HUNGRY marketing folks who really hope we do well so they can have their bread and butter everyday… ..OR not to mention some people who think Knowledge Capitol is the only thing that can make them superior to their competitors and sharing knowledge is considered a SIN. Let alone these crazy people who make money by hiding the training documents in their attic and conduct training sessions to some ignorant naïve young students who spend a lot of money trying to learn this software OR some people whom I hate the most as they sell these priceless documents on eBay or some of their own websites and make money….Now this blog will change the way things will work and I am here to give you all I have for FREE!!
After scanning many many websites I found RAPIDSHARE as my good neighbor who gave me all that I wanted…Since this BlogSpot is totally dedicated to Portal and a little bit of BI I am giving this for FREE !!
Here you go and please please do me a favor by sharing this with as many people as possible as the world can never a better place unless we share and learn.

Business Intelligence


SAP Portal TREX Index Management Crawler

Monday, July 28, 2008

Is it possible to configure incremental updates which start automatically? In my opinion it is far too much trouble if the administrator has to start this manually...
The answer is yes and you only need to use the Index Management Crawler… reminds me of my yesteryears jamming Judas Priest's Night Crawler with my good old metal band.....You can configure this either in the properties section which would cater all the folders within the Index or you can choose to have this on the data sources section as well…..By default KM comes with a standard Crawler and the following properties can determine the rules of the crawler to search for any documents that is updated in the folders either manually or by the classification methods (example based –trainer taxonomy and the query based taxonomy)

"Verify Modification Using Checksum"
"Verify Modification Using ETag"
"Condition for Treating a Document as Modified"


SAP Portal Post-Installation Errors

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Common Errors most people witness when they try to install Portal....

Scene 1:
A brand new installation without applying the patches will throw a dirty error like the one below :

(Click on the image to see a full blown error)
When you right click on the folders in the PCD the below error is seen..

This error is for people who have just read the meaning of the word PORTAL ...in other words when you access the portal with the IP address which should not be the approach...Use FQDN instead ...Fully Qualified Domain Name i.e hostname.domain.com:portnumber

the PCD in system administration will not run for this error..

SAP Diagnostics and Support Desktop Tool

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

With SP15 the Diagnostics and Support desktop tool can now be accessed directly via the below link...

Remember to belong to the Administrators group depending on your installation type..

below is an example of how this tool can help BI folks understand errors in their Reports displayed in the Portal...