Easy way:
Step 1:
Click on add to Browser favorites in the page title bar in the right-top corner of the page.
Check the favorites and determine the URL link for the iView.
Hard way:
STEP1: Go to a PCD object in the Portal content directory and determine the path under PCD location properties.
Step 2: Copy the link and go to system administration > navigation > short URL >
Step 3: Type ROLES:// followed by the PCD location and determine your short URL.
Step 4: concatenate the URL (check the below example) For example, the user mapping iView can be displayed with the following URL: http://myServer:50000/irj/portal?NavigationTarget=
A short version of the URL might be the following, with the navigation target hashed and shortened: http://myServer:50000/irj/portal?NavigationTarget=navurl:
I know it’s goofy to add a hard and easy way to work this but the hard way is for the GEEKS!
And of course the Slackers enjoy the easy one J
URL for Portal Quick Links:
Quick links are shortcuts to iViews and pages. Each quick link is a string that you add to the default portal URL in order to navigate to a specific iView or page. Quick links provide a meaningful name for iViews and pages to which users may want to navigate.
For example, if the base address of the portal is http://myServer:50000/irj/portal and the quick link to the page is email, a URL to the page would be: http://myServer:50000/irj/portal/email