Portal Navigation Cache Quality Check

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Consider activating the cache as well as tuning the cache size
and caching time for the "ROLES" navigation connector for better performance.

Implementation: To activate the navigation cache for the "ROLES" connector, refer to the "Enabling/Disabling the Cache" section at:

Check the cache quality regularly as follows:

1. Log on to the portal with a system administrator role, choose "System Administration Navigation  Navigation Cache", and under "Navigation Connectors" choose "statistics" in the "ROLES" row.

2. Check the "hit rate" for both "Navigation Entry Points" and "Navigation Node".
If any of the hit rates is not optimal, for example much less than 100%,
choose the following link for information about adjusting the configuration of the "ROLES" navigation connector:

Background: To improve performance, the portal caches each set of navigation nodes required by a user.
If a user has access to the same navigation hierarchy as a previous user, the portal
can retrieve the navigation hierarchy from the cache instead of generating it again.