Hide KM Content in Content Administrator role

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

A common question is asked by the business to remove the KM Content workset in the
standard Content Administrator role.. lets see how we can do this..

1) create a delta link copy of the role pcd:portal_content/com.sap.pct/administrator/content_admin/
2) open the role and remove the Workset KM-Content
3) assign your user to the new role
4) check the thrown exception via LogViewer.
5) Go to System Administration -> Permissions and add your new role to the object:
Security Zones / sap.com / NetWeaver.Portal / medium_safety / com.sap.portal.appdesigner.contentcatalog / components / Framework
6) Give Read Permission and set the End User flag
7) login with your user added in step 3)

Mean People SUCK !

This is a perfect example to show how some people are a bunch of MONEY sucking vendors who are out there fooling you people and running their FAKE business...
by selling SAP documents for a HUGE prize ....my blog written yesterday should tell you how important it is to SHARE knowledge and not EXPLOIT people by stealing all their money when they can get all they want to learn for FREE on my blogspot...

Its a SHAME to know some people can do this for MONEY !!!
check this link.. BW305

This site is selling BW305 for close to $150 when you can get it for FREE on my yesterdays blog post...PITY you MORONS !!