SAP BI blog update..

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Error DTP handling

PSA Database Table and Data

Data load in PSA

BI Data Loading Basics

Portal 104

Portal 104 has been added. this time we will look at monitoring and administration of Enterprise Portal. check the links on the left panel under "Portal Lessons"

SAP Portal Single Sign On

Portal is SLOW !

Monday, March 22, 2010

SAP Netweaver PortalCan you make it run faster ???

Now …how many times have you heard that ?? To find a quick answer to this question here is a laundry list of items to check immediately if it’s a simple problem.. my dear friend Renjith Stalin who is an expert SAP Basis Professional asked me if I can put a list of items to check on the portal….so click here to read more…..

also read this

Speak Up !!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

SAP has a new survey for implementing an "external facing portal".

raise your concern, suggestions etc follow this link:

SAP Netweaver Portal

Apothekerlypsed !!!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

the throne is still empty ??? SAP CEO resigns !!

read this article on the economist .