From PCD to KM and finally to PD

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The Content in the Portal Catalog easily accessible in Knowledge Management and the same accessed on a Windows Explorer !!

This is a reality and only makes content management more accessible...
The above picture shows a description of how content in the portal catalog can be easily accessible as documents in Knowledge Management. But the interesting fact is that documents can now be handled easily on a windows explorer using the Portal Drive.
Knowledge Management is so much fun working with the Windows explorer. gone are those days when it took several minutes just to copy and move documents around the KM Content.Its so much faster and easy to work with the drive and makes the KM a server rather that using this as a client.
Below are some screen prints captured on my laptop for using the Portal Drive...

Yes !! that is my cool Matrix desktop and the white oval is the symbol for the Portal drive that can be installed from the service marketplace link PDrive4400_5-10003555.ZIP
The matrix path to find this zip file is shown below:

Support Packages and Patches >SAP Netweaver >SAP NETWEAVER >SAP NETWEAVER 7.0> Entry by Component > Frontend

In the above picture the " synchronization " is the coolest part of this software. If you work offline or online the documents that are edited on the explorer are automatically synchronized in Knolwledge Management. You can also manually synchronize documents by clicking the synchronize now button.....