Internet Explorer 8 : NOT SUITED for SAP PORTAL

Thursday, November 12, 2009

I have mentioned this a million times and I will repeat it again.....MOVE ON !

Internet explorer is a primitive tool, learn to accept change, accept new browsers especially CHROME ! sometimes i think of staging a protest until SAP realizes the idea of change and move on with something more faster than Internet Explorer...below is some research on how internet explorer SUCKS !

Read more.... explains the support of IE8 on SAP is a picture


Well, I don't like IE 8 too much either. But from a professional perspective, IE still happens to be the corporate browser of choice, world wide, for quite a while still. Only now companies (at least those I work for as a Portal consultant) are starting to upgrade from IE 6 to IE 7 (sic!). IE 8, along with Windows 7, lies far down the road for most. Heck, there are even companies who happily run Windows 2000...
Therefore, SAP isn't necessarily lagging behind. It's just that most of its customers aren't as quick in new things as private persons are. At home I run the full range of modern browsers (FF 3.5, Safari 4, Chrome 3, Opera 10), whatever suits best. At work, I still work with IE 6.

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